Jul. 2, 2012 Source: ScoringAg news release Fresh produce will last longer on the shelf if it is hydro-cooled. Produce crops soak up the daily heat and don't cool down fast after picking unless you hydro cool them to the most desirable shipping temperatures. Air temperature cooling takes hours or days with food safety issues and cold water cooling just minutes. The Ag-Pack Hydro-Cooler/Sanitizer from ScoringAg.com reduces post-harvest food losses, increases the quality for the consumer at retail, and extends shelf life. Cooling promptly after harvest maintains the quality and reduces the external and internal vegetable or fruit temperatures. This is what stops pathogens from growing on surfaces, and field heat just produces pathogens faster, if the product is not cooled fast enough. Fruits and vegetables are also susceptible to contaminants introduced during and after harvest by use of contaminated field harvest containers and improper hand washing. A video link of the machine and refrigeration unit operating can be found here. The Hydro-Cooler-sanitizer Model 275 uses food grade ice to do the cooling either from an ice machine on site or purchased ice. The Iceless Hydro-Cooler-sanitizer Model 250 has 5 ton stainless steel coil water conditioning cooling system. This optional iceless refrigeration hydro-cooler system removes heat from produce fast whether fruit or vegetables thereby enabling packing operations to severely decrease, if not actually eliminate, the potential for sanitary issues and food safety hazards (biological, chemical, or physical) being introduced into commerce. By using PAA and Hydrogen peroxide, you'll get a 5 log reduction in pathogens in seconds, and it is a prevention step that can be recorded for your FSMA prevention records. The 10' long portable unit from ScoringAg Inc. is built to last and is to be located where it is needed so now fresh fruits and vegetables can enjoy the hygiene of a cool glass of milk Just as milk requires fast refrigeration and sanitizing, produce does also. These units help even the small farmer as they are affordable, portable, and cost effective. ScoringAg Inc. Solution Provider for FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) handles recordkeeping, food safety and traceback requirements, is shipping the new food safety integrated hydro-cooler for the produce and shellfish industry for the prevention of spreading foodborne pathogens in the food chain. The modular built units has an integrated refrigeration unit that can be used separately to cool flume and wash tank water and can supply brush beds spray units with a final correct product temperature before sizing and packing. The 100% all 304 stainless steel units are built to the highest food safety standards. The straight through design is efficient for putting RPC's or lugs loaded with a harvested crop even for the small local farm operations. These lugs or RPC's can be tracked with RFID chips or RFID tags to provide documentation for traceback and a recall if ever needed. ScoringAg Inc. specializing in providing food industry prevention solutions with food safety equipment and products, mobile database recordkeeping systems, field and packing house printing equipment, PDA's, laptops, and programmed Smart I-phones and other units like Androids using RFID and GPS bar-coded label readers, for operating within the ScoringAg.com real time database. Contact www.ScoringAg.com for further information on food safety equipment and RFID container tracking technology. |